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Pulp prices soared by 50%, and end-brand owners joined the price hike camp.


Since the beginning of November 2020, pulp futures have risen from more than 4,200 yuan / ton to more than 6,700 yuan / ton, breaking a record high, with an increase of more than 50%, opening a round of rising market.Splsplitting the cost structure of paper enterprises, we can see that pulp raw materials account for a higher proportion of paper cost, more than 60%.Pulp rise, is the root cause of the frequent changes in the recent paper plate, the price increase of paper enterprises itself is the transmission of pulp price increase.


Short-term catalytic factor: the repair of valuation, pulp has the advantage of low valuation compared with other commodities before the big rise, and within the industrial chain, because the price of finished paper increased first, profits gathered downstream, which provides room for the rise of pulp price; in addition, the ban caused reduced supply, and the demand rose steadily.


Long-term catalytic factor: lies in the "plastic ban", according to the "Opinions on Further Strengthening the control of plastic pollution", disposable plastic bags, plastic tableware, express plastic packaging will be banned and restricted to use, which is expected to produce the replacement of paper packaging.At present, there have been meal boxes, straws and other food-grade white card paper replacement, kraft paper bags instead of plastic bags, the future express plastic packaging is expected to continue to be replaced by box tile paper packaging.


In the context of short-term catalysis and long-term catalytic resonance, the prosperity of the paper industry will be significantly improved in 2021.


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